
"God helps those who help themselves"

This is the name of the campaign initiated by the inhabitants of Bardarski geran who put their hearts into reviving the small Banat Bulgarian village and its traditions. A special donation fund was opened in regards to the 125th Anniversary of Bardarski geran and it is under the umbrella of the Executive Committee taking care of the event organization. 

If you want to give us a hand as well, all you need is your good will to join us!

The campaign started officially with a donation from Austria. Toma Glasnov shared his idea and will to repair the mechanism of the clock tower. He donated enough resources not only for the current repairs, but also for the maintenance for a year ahead

Toma Glasnov – EUR 800

At one of the monthly meetings in Bardarski geran Petya Boboycheva announced that her relatives Mariyana and Aleksander Ivanovi from Svishtov would donate building materials in spring 2012 so that the tower façade would be completely renovated.

Another follower is Nora Yaneva who donated handmade accessories – very beautiful flower brooches. They were sold out in the end of December, 2011. The resources would be spent on renovation of the children playground located in the centre of our village.

Nora Yaneva – BGN 120 

Katerina Karadzhova from Dublin also donated EUR 200 and expressed her will to contribute to the development of her birthplace in future.

Another example for get-up-and-go and readiness to help is the idea of Daniela Petkova. She took in hand the printing of T-Shirts promoting the upcoming event of the 125th Anniversary.  A T-shirt itself costs BGN 5, but it is sold at the price of BGN 6 and BGN 1 of each purchased T-shirt is donated to the fund. Please feel free to visit Daniela’s small store in the centre of Bardarski geran and get a T-shirt. Take part in our folklore Festival in May, 2012!

“God helps those who help themselves!”

The inhabitants of Bardarski geran made this first step to recognizing our community as a power which could make miracles.

After the elections in 2015 and the substitution of Svetlana Karadzova, the the Executive Committee was released and the bank account was closed.

Read more: Дарителски фонд


Mass Schedule

Every Sunday [The Sabbath Day] at 10:30 – Rosary; at 11:00 Solemn Holy Mass

Week Days [Monday – Saturday]
- In the period November – March inclusive
15:30 – Rosary; 16:00 Solemn Holly Mass
- In the period April – May and September – October
16:30 – Rosary; 17:00 Solemn Holly Mass
- In the period June – August
17:30 – Rosary; 18:00 Solemn Holy Mass

Each formal celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary or any Saint is being performed as in the Sabbath Day.

Each first Friday of the month is dedicated to the Most Holy Heart of Jesus - the source of divine love.

Each Thursday [except for the winter months] after the Holy Mass there is facing and adoration of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion and Eucharistic blessing.

Confessions – before the Divine Mass. Beforehand you should examine your own conscience.

Religion [as Catechesis; Doctrine; Science] - Every Sunday after the Holy Mass; needs to be agreed with the parish priest beforehand.

Read more: Богослужения


Business direct dial-ins


Phone code for easy international calling: 00359 9135


1. Mayor: 0887 545 800
2. Secretary: 0888 737 336
3. Post Office: 09135 2220
4. Health Centre: 0898 614 005 ; 
работно време: понеделник - петък от 08:00 до 12:00 часа 
5. Family-type centre for children:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6. Cable TV Office: 0888 223 222
работно време: понеделник-сряда-петък от 09:00 до 17:00 часа
7. Hailstorm Suppression Command Post: 0915 81003; 0884 701 047
8. Catholic Parish of “St. Joseph” - тел.:0886 238 917 - о. Койчо Димов
9. "Vigrin Mary – Mother of Holy Hope" Fondation: 0887 599 522 - Marieta Kalcheva
10. "Karitas": 0876 168 070 - Darina Monova 

Read more: Полезни телефони

Читалищни мероприятия

Read more: Читалищни мероприятия


футболни срещи:


Read more: Футболни срещи


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